Andre, a confirmed sportsman and skilled hobbyist, has been an enthusiastic basketball player from the time he was in junior high school. Building on his interest in sports, he worked as a fitness consultant and freelance personal trainer. His move to Pilates was a fortuitous one, stemming from his injured left ankle, sustained during a basketball match a few years ago. Once he came to appreciate the benefits of Pilates, Andre began to pursue a course of training sessions at Pilates in Jakarta; he quickly managed to heal his left ankle injury, gaining considerable mobility in the joint from the Pilates exercises. This was when he became fully convinced of the Pilates exercise system, and he studied it in detail. From October 2013, he joined STOTT Pilates in Jakarta, applying his sports experience to assist others to live better and stabilize their body condition through the Pilates regimen. He is currently assisting participants with isometric Pilates as they strive to upgrade their physical condition. Today, Andre enthusiastically shares his knowledge of Pilates.

Isa was awarded a Diploma in Physiotherapy from the University of Indonesia, following his getting a Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy at Udayana University. He has tried four years of work experience at exclusive private clinics in Bali and Jakarta. He is concerned with healthy body posture, as he is convinced that poor posture may be linked to serious physical conditions. He decided to apply his passion to correct body posture by becoming a Pilates instructor, and thus enrolled in intensive STOTT Pilates courses at the beginning of 2016.

Anastasia Anatte graduated as a Bachelor of Economics in 2018 at Trisakti School of Management. After attending several pilates sessions and feel the benefits of Pilates, She finally decided to take a pilates course to be a pilates instructor. Her goal is only that she wants everyone get better body and healthier with Pilates just how like she already felt. She believes with Pilates, we will get better posture, increase our body awareness in doing activities to avoid tension and injuries. She also highlights pilates gives better breathing patterns that is very important for our body.

‘Witri’, as she is known, was awarded a Diploma in Physiotherapy by the University of Indonesia and has also pursued study at Udayana University. Following two years of work experience as a physiotherapist at a private clinic in Bali, Witri, who has long loved sports, decided to investigate Pilates, a physical fitness system allied with her educational background. Having conducted research and gathered information on Pilates, Witri finally decided to plunge into further education, enrolling at STOTT Pilates in Jakarta. From October 2013, Witri has applied her skills as a licensed Physiotherapist to explore and share the benefits of Pilates in their studio, where she continues to train and improve body posture for those committed to a healthier body. She is one of their certified Instructors.

Zilla is a 2016 Physiotherapy graduate of Esa Unggul University. She is very fond of sports and has been interested in Pilates for a long time. Because of her interest in the sport, she decided to take courses majoring in Physiotherapy to prepare her to plunge into the world of Pilates. She has concluded that Physiotherapy and Pilates are the right combination of rehabilitation exercises to improve posture, reduce back pain, get rid of neck pain, improve concentration, and balance the body because Stott Pilates is an active body rehabilitation exercise. She joined up with iSometric Pilates Studio in October 2016 and completed the course at Stott Pilates in March 2017. At iSometric Pilates Studio, she will develop her Physiotherapy and Pilates science for the benefit of clients.

Indra Gunawan was born in Jambi; he graduated as a Personal Trainer in AFAS, with a qualification and experience as a PT. To broaden his area of knowledge and strengthen experience, he enrolled in courses such as Aerobic Instructor, Step Aerobics, and Reebok Step, TRX (Suspension Trainer). As he tracked updates for various kinds of sport, Indra determined that he needed to learn about Pilates to improve his knowledge to help prevent injury in his clients and also through maintenance of proper posture. He decided to join a Pilates Course, learning Intensive Mat Plus / IMP, and Intensive Reformer Stott Pilates. And until now he has never ceased to pursue courses about Pilates. He has been with them since Dec 2015.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.